Linux Metatrader VPS Setup Guide

Welcome to the detailed guide on how to set up MetaTrader on a Linux VPS. Follow the instructions below to quickly install MetaTrader and optimize it for automated trading.

Step 1: Prepare Your Server

Before installing MetaTrader, you’ll need to ensure that your Linux VPS is set up properly and that you are running Debian 12.

Update Your Server

It’s important to make sure your server is up-to-date before starting the installation. Run the following commands:

apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

Once the update is complete, you can proceed with the installation of the necessary software.

Step 2: Installing Required Software

apt install lxde sudo tigervnc-standalone-server dbus dbus-x11 unattended-upgrades -y

Step 3: Prepare the User

Create a new user called "terminal," give them admin rights, and set up a special folder and environment variable to prepare the user for running MetaTrader on Linux.

adduser terminal
usermod -aG sudo terminal
su terminal
mkdir tmp
echo "export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/home/terminal/tmp" >> ~/.bashrc

Start the Desktop

Logout and log in as the terminal user. You now have a fully working operating system with minimal resource usage. Let's start the Desktop environment:

tigervncserver -localhost yes -geometry 1920x1080 -xstartup startlxde

Step 4: Setup the SSH Tunnel

Open MobaXTerm and set up the SSH Tunnel as shown below:

SSH Tunnel Setup
SSH Tunnel Setup 2

Next, open TightVNC Viewer and set it up as shown below:

VNC Setup

Step 5: Install MetaTrader

The final step is to install MetaTrader by running the following command in the graphical terminal:

wget ; chmod +x ; ./
MetaTrader Desktop

After entering this command, you can start MetaTrader and begin trading!


Congratulations! You have successfully set up MetaTrader on your Linux VPS. Enjoy the benefits of a faster and more affordable platform for automated trading!

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